Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Here's the Wordie Birdie sitting on my arm where he likes to perch while I'm writing.

Yesterday (Tuesday) was one of those days! First I woke to the bling bling of the fire alarm bells that went on consistently all morning while the guys were checking fire alarms in all the suites of my building. I had lots to do yesterday and had hoped to get back to my writing. But alas! It turned into 'one of those days'!

I took Monday off to travel out to the suburbs for a visit with my sister who has just moved back to the Coast. Sometimes I think it's a good idea to take a break from your writing and this was a most enjoyable break. But yesterday I had lots of catching up to do and, as well, had to sort all my class notes for my night school classes which started yesterday. I didn't get much co-operation from my two little companions. Between Puppy's incessant coughing (which she does for attention) and Cheeky bird's incessant high-pitched one-note-samba screeching I was fit to be tied! I put Birdie on the balcony, and took Doggy out for her walk but I could hear the Wordy Birdie screeching a block away so I knew it would annoy the hell out of the neighbours if I allowed it to continue. Of course I had to bring him inside then and he continued to be a pest (both of them did) until I was at my wit's end. In the end it took me six hours to prepare my class notes, sorting and tossing and rearranging stuff in my loose-leafs. Boy! Was I ready to make my Great Escape by the end of the day!

It's always stressful anyway, the first night of the classes. But in spite of my frazzled state I think it all went well and we had fun, which is important in a writing class. This one was How to Start your Novel or Memoir. Tonight is Prompting the Muse. And tomorrow is Travel Writing.

Needless to say, I didn't get any work done at all on Shadow of the Lion so I don't have any progress to report. Today I have a massage which should help matters a lot, and then some shopping. At least today the sun is shining. Yesterday was rainy and cold. I have a plan to do a few more notes for Shadow and then I can proceed to finish this new chapter. I think once this week is over I'll be back on my writing schedule again. ***So long as my naughty little pals behave themselves!

Cheeky Bird is quite a handsome fellow, don't you think?
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Adrian Swift said...

Cute pets! Do you think you might have been a pirate in a former life? A bird perched on the arm while writing ... maybe Odin's sent a bird to keep an eye out, show him what's up. If the gods are interested in your novel, that's a very good sign. You must be on to something with your historical research. Maybe you're about to expose a long-lost ancient secret!

Loved your earlier excerpts. Good luck with classes starting again. A good writing teacher can make such a difference in the lives of aspiring writers.

Wynn Bexton said...

Funny you should mention that Adrian, as I have always been fascinated by pirates and yes, I think I may have been one in a former life (not a nasty one though!) If I could, I'd love to have an African Grey parrot. They are so intelligent. But in an apartment, this little parrot Cheeky the Wordy Birdie is all I can manage!

Classes went well this week but I was exhausted by the end, and now I'm coming down with a cold. Darn!