Monday, March 21, 2005


"And I have asked to be
Where no storms come,
Where the green swell is in the heavens dumb,
And out of the swing of the sea."
Gerard Manley Hopkins "Poems - No.20 Heaven-Haven"

After all the wild turmoil of the weekend (confrontations as well as a lot of partying), it's good to find some peace and solitude. A safe haven is what I need most tonight, as the storm continues.

One of the wonderful things about my writer's group is the camaraderie between all of us members. We are a 'family', sharing each other's joys and sorrows. It's a safe place to bring our inner thoughts and precious writing. And the critiquing is honest and thorough.

Tonight, after five hours of writing (mostly notes, trying to get a grip on the political dilemma facing my character Polyperchon) and, just before leaving home dodging another nasty dart thrown my way, I went to my weekly Scribbler's meeting.

"Safe into the harbour glide..." Charles Wesley ("Jesus Lover of My Soul")

Safe at last, among my writer friends and colleagues.

And when I read from the chapter segments I've been working on the last week, the comments were so positive and encouraging! Ah...these are the moments we writer's love to bask in.

As well, I've had some really supportive comments from other writer friends and these are precious to me. I feel more empowered now. Strong. And I can feel my creative juices bubbling over, ready to burst. Yes!

I love being home writing like I was today, not leaving the house til this evening when I went to my group. My apartment is a safe haven for me. It's set up as my writer's abode, each room telling of a place I've been in my travels, Greece in the kitchen, Morocco and Turkey in the living room, bits of other places here and there: Bourbon Street, Mexico, Guatemala. And in my bedroom, on the wall in front of my bookshelf and computer, are pictures of the Muses, and Sappho, and Artemis. Above me, a print of the Triumph of Achilles, then the bulletin board with notes and pix, photos of my friends Dinaz, my Persian Princess friend in Athens, and the dear departed ones: Roberto and my shepherd, Mitso. And, of course...on the wall by the window a plaster face sculpture of Alexander, above it a flower garland, beneath a pix of the Acropolis in the moonlight, and a map of ancient Macedonia. My room(s) are set up to express my writer's life. Here I feel safe and comfortable. I must always have harmonious surroundings in order to be inspired.

So when I came back home tonight, glowing from my writer's group and all the good vibes generated there, I felt safe and happy again. Soft, cool jazz playing on the radio. Peace. And tomorrow...another day of writing. I feel I'm on a roll now!

"All places that the eye of heaven visits
Are to a wise man ports and happy havens."
Shakespeare "King Richard II"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I''m familiar with this subject too