Monday, October 12, 2009


Me, at the Pumpkin Patch

It's been ages since I've had time to blog anything although I've been thinking about it and missing everyone on blogspot.
I've been busy this Fall organizing my classes, writing for the Vancouver Guide ( North America: Vancouver) and working on my novel. Not to speak of lots of other things.

I am getting ready to post more news about my novel soon. Progress has been sometimes slow, but I'm still accomplishing quite a bit. Now and then I get bogged down with the tangle of threads that I have to stop and unravel so the story can proceed, but I am very close to the end now. Perhaps that's why I've slowed down a bit, knowing that the end is near.

So, look for more news here soon. And I hope everyone out there in the Blog World has been enjoying the Autumn and the Thanksgiving season.

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Adrian Swift said...

Welcome back, Wynn! Good to hear you're making progress on your novel. I understand that historical fiction is a "hot" genre right now, which means chances of selling a fresh, completed manuscript are good.

Wishing you all the best as you bring the novel into its final pages,


PS -- I'll be checking back to keep up to date on your progress!

Wynn Bexton said...

Hi Adrian, thanks for dropping in. as you can see by today's post I've been pretty busy and absorbed in my writer's world. But it's time to start communicating more with my writer friends on-line.

Juliana G said...

Appreciate you blogging thhis